Pepsi AR
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Pepsi: HoloPop


PepsiCo, working with Ignition Factory, asked Future Colossal to craft an experience that showcased the potential of HoloLens and Mixed Reality technologies to PepsiCo's brands and partners as part of their annual Digital Summit. Using a HoloLens, guests activated a gesture based holographic game that emerged from an actual Pepsi can. Demonstrating the potential of HoloLens in advertising and experiential marketing for consumption occasions as well as brand culture promotions.


OMD's Ignition Factory




Design & Development


Pepsi HoloPop is a mixed reality game we developed on the Microsoft HoloLens Mixed Reality platform that lets users engage with the Pepsi brand in a new and playful manner that combines real-life and virtual objects.

Players bounce a virtual ball at a Pepsi can using the simple HoloLens airtap gesture. Their aim must be just right because the Pepsi can is surrounded by a force field and robots that crawl on the physical table. Players gain points by hitting the can and other floating Pepsi logos. Their success is rewarded with an enjoyable burst of giggling Pepsimojis.

As one of the first developers to receive the Microsoft HoloLens, Future Colossal has years of experience with Mixed Reality software and hardware and proved KPIs for CPG brands like PepsiCo.

Pepsi mixed reality hololens screencap
pepsi user playing game